A Trip Back in Time

A visit to Casa de Segunda,the ancestral home of Manuel Luz and Segunda Katigbak Luzin Lipa City.August 27, 2023 ~ ~ ~ ~ Segunda Katigbak, my great-grandmother, has been written in our history books as the “first love” of Jose Rizal. It’s one of those “what if” moments, but perhaps a bit imagined. From theContinue reading “A Trip Back in Time”


June 12, 2023 [a late post]. The 105th since the Declaration in Kawit, Cavite by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. The 77th year after the US flag was lowered and the Philippine flag raised in Luneta by President Manuel Roxas (actually on July 4, 1945). So that our young Filipino students know our history, the Katipuneros revoltedContinue reading “INDEPENDENCE DAY, 2023”