RETHINKING EDUCATION:  Junior High School (Grades 7-10)

ESSAY 7 LEARNING TO THINK BY SUBJECT MATTER DISCIPLINE AND BEYOND  Juan Miguel Luz[1] Fellow, FEU Public Policy Center THE TRANSITION FROM ELEMENTARY LEARNING The transition from elementary education to junior high is a complex one because it marks a transition from childhood to adolescence (ages 11-12 to 16-17).  Dr. Doris Allen, the psychologist whoContinue reading RETHINKING EDUCATION:  Junior High School (Grades 7-10)

RETHINKING EDUCATION:  Upper Primary (Grades 4-6)

ESSAY 5 DEVELOPING FUNCTIONAL LITERACY AND 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Juan Miguel Luz[1] Fellow, FEU Public Policy Center In the lower primary years of Grades 1 to 3, we want our children to learn simple literacy and numeracy – the 3s of Reading, wRriting, and aRithmetic.  What do we want to develop in the upper primaryContinue reading RETHINKING EDUCATION:  Upper Primary (Grades 4-6)