Barack Obama Crown Publishers, Random House, New York Published 2020 A review by J. M. Luz The office of the President of the United States offers a unique view of the world.  It is the single most powerful position in the world owing to the country’s leadership position. But it takes a particular eye toContinue reading “READING FINDS A Promised Land”

Benigno Simeon Aquino III

15th President of the Republic of the Philippines (2010–16) February 8, 1960 – June 24, 2021 The reluctant candidate for president who led the nation through a period of stability and strong growth.  From the beginning of his political career, President PNoy was a seemingly reluctant politician filling in political positions inherited from his family. Continue reading “Benigno Simeon Aquino III”

TEENAGE PREGNANCY: A Creeping Social Concern in the Country

DEV@WORK (Social Policy for a Better World) Juan Miguel Luz Chair, Philippine Center for Population and Development (PCPD) Fellow, FEU Public Policy Center (FPPC) There is a silent crisis creeping up on us as a country that will have long term effects on our collective future.  This is the slow but persistent level of teenageContinue reading “TEENAGE PREGNANCY: A Creeping Social Concern in the Country”

READING FINDS The Premonition: A Pandemic Story

A Review of Michael Lewis’ newest book COVID-19 has consumed the attention of the entire world for over a year now. This once-in-a-century event had as its precedent the 1918 so-called Spanish Flu which was reported to have infected 500 million people — a third of the world’s population then — and led to theContinue reading “READING FINDS The Premonition: A Pandemic Story”

In a world of disruption, are we “Future Ready”?

J. M. Luz/Blog, June 6, 2021 The world is becoming more complex and unpredictable every day with change happening at a faster pace these days.   A new book based on a McKinsey article a few years ago looks at 4 global forces breaking all the trends (No Ordinary Disruption by Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, andContinue reading “In a world of disruption, are we “Future Ready”?”