FINALLY A VERDICT ON THE MAGUINDANAO MASSACRE: But will it change the dirty side of Philippine Politics?

Commentary (December 21, 2019) J. M. Luz After a ten-year wait, the verdict on the Maguindanao Massacre was finally released.  Several members of the Ampatuan clan including former Datu Unsay Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr., former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Governor Zaldy Ampatuan, Anwar Ampatuan Sr., Anwar “Ipi” Ampatuan Jr., and Anwar Sajid “Ulo”Continue reading “FINALLY A VERDICT ON THE MAGUINDANAO MASSACRE: But will it change the dirty side of Philippine Politics?”

WHEN POPULISM UNDERMINES RULE OF LAW: The President attacks Mega Manila’s Private Water Agreement and what consequences this might have

COMMENTARY (December 15, 2019) J. M. Luz NOTE: Facts and figures from a case written by J. M. Luz and M. L. Melosantos for an ADB case book, “Good Practices for Urban Water Management in Asia” (2012). The outburst of the president on the situation involving the two Metro Manila water concessionaires and his threatContinue reading “WHEN POPULISM UNDERMINES RULE OF LAW: The President attacks Mega Manila’s Private Water Agreement and what consequences this might have”

RESPONDING TO THE PISA 2018 RESULTS: Using this to set an Olympic Goal for Philippine Education

COMMENTARY (December 7, 2019) J. M. Luz NOTE: Published in Rappler online, December 9, 2019. The 2018 PISA results have been released for the Philippines and the results are dismal.  Test results for the country’s 15-year olds randomly tested as a group scored the country lowest among the 79 countries tested in Reading literacy andContinue reading “RESPONDING TO THE PISA 2018 RESULTS: Using this to set an Olympic Goal for Philippine Education”